Friday, November 16, 2012

Dear Fellow Bloggers:

Hi guys! Thanks so much for checking in with me this week.  I've been really sick lately with various infections and a seemingly never-ending case of pneumonia.

First my face blew up - my cheek and right ear were full of infection - some sort of skin virus.  I went to the ER a few times, and they sent me back home with medicine and instructions.

Then the pneumonia hit, and the nurse practitioner prescribed anti-biotic pills for two weeks.  But I was still in bad shape after that, so we switched to I.V. anti-biotics for another 14 days.  I still run a temp now and again, but I am definitely on the mend.  My face is looking better too. Oh, and by the way for those who saw me after my "awful" haircut last month - well, it is starting to grow out. Thank the Heavens!!  The sides were so short and uneven.  I found someone who'd be willing to cut my hair for free.  She is a hair stylist who comes to the facility to offer her services on her days off.  Isn't that great??!?  Sure beats paying $17 and not knowing what you'll get.

In other news, thanks so much for your visit last month, sweetie Steve!  I wish I had felt better during your visit, but am glad you liked your birthday party.  And if you come again next Halloween we will have to remember that the costumes are judged in the morning.  We showed up at the afternoon party. Steve was not in costume, but I was "decked" out as an Ace of Hearts card!!  I even had a red sparkly hat, heart socks and tennis shoes!!!

Well, will close for now.  Hope you all have a wonderful holiday...  A peaceful, joyful Thanksgiving.  Give everyone you love a big hug; and remember the holiday's mantra - food, food and more food!!

Peace, Love & Kisses,

Love Always,