Thursday, December 30, 2010

I hope everyone had a really nice Christmas. I received some very nice things, and we had a Christmas party here at the nursing facility. A couple, who entertains frequently on holidays, put on a very nice program.

I haven't felt like writing for the last couple of weeks - been under the weather. I have another infection and pneumonia, so I am back on the ventilator. Christmas night I started feeling bad, and today my blood sugar has spiked over 500 plus I had a fever of 101.7 so a doctor's appointment I had scheduled this morning did not happen. I am going to the doctor Monday to discuss surgery for a hernia. One thing after the other...

I really hope that all of you have a very Happy New Year, and that it is a much better year for all of us than 2010. Pray for our troops and our country.

I'll be back in the New Year and write again.

Love always,


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Kind of a crazy week this week. Tuesday was especially nuts!! More than ordinary nuts! I was supposed to have an appointment to have my nails done Tuesday morning, so got all dressed up and waited and waited and waited.. finally called Activities to see what the hold up was, only to have them call me back and tell me they looked at the schedule wrong, and the volunteer won't be coming until next Tuesday. So we will try again next Tuesday. Have several new nail polishes and will have to decide which one to try. Still waiting for my doctor's appointment that was supposed to happen on Tuesday. The ambulance arrived on time to pick me up, they put me on the stretcher and hooked me up to the vent, and immediately something was not right with the ENT's equipment - the ventilator was not working properly. So they put me back in bed, and hooked me up to the vent here at the facility and waited for another ambulance team to come with a working vent. Called the doctor to tell him we would be a little late, the other ambulance arrived and they began to put me on the guerney again; then the doctor's office called to say the doctor was going to be leaving and we needed to reschedule the appointment. The appointment was rescheduled for today (Thursday) but Wednesday afternoon Dr. Friedman, the infectious disease doctor, called to say that he didn't need to do a follow-up with me and when the office girl reminded him that he was the one that had ordered it when I was in the hospital, he denied that and said he did not need to see me for a follow-up. So my appointment was again canceled. Not sure what we are going to do about that.

On a happier note: it now looks like Christmas in my room. The bears are happy with their Christmas decorations and Christmas presents for me and others are beginning to arrive!! YEAAAA!! Also Skippy is very happy because he got to spend a few days at Grandma's spa, and he was showered (aka washing machine) and had an air massage hanging on the clothesline by his ears! He is now clean and happy!!!

That's all for this week, catch up with you in seven.

Love always, Darci