Thursday, November 18, 2010

Four Simple Words

The four simple little words "I'm thankful I'm alive." My words that I live by. Such a simple statement but such a powerful impact! Plain, but complicated. Easy to say - rolls right off the tongue and lips; but living life is no easy task. Those who know me know how true this has been for me. I wrote a poem a long time ago that sums things up nicely.

by Darci A. Spears

Cluttered mind
Battered heart
When will it end,
And how did it start?

What will I do
And how will I be?
Clear away the dust
So that I can see.

Where will I go
And who do I ask?
Show me the way
To my next task.

Close my wounds
So I won't bleed
Please give me a hand-
That's all I need.

Then I'll pick up
The pieces I can,
And I'll begin again
With a brand new plan.

Happy Thanksgiving for the coming week and each day of your life!

Love Always,
Darci (and my wonderful stuffed pal, Skippy)

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